08 June 2014

Cité Universitaire de Genève

Cité Universitaire de Genève

Hay dos cosas que se deben saber al decidir venirse a vivir a Ginebra: es caro y encontrar un apartamento es la peor pesadilla del mundo. Porque no hay y los que hay son muy caros. Pasé entonces el primer semestre en una angustia perpetua sobre dónde iba a vivir una vez que se me acabara el contrato de seis meses en Vernier. Envié una solicitud a la residencia universitaria de Ginebra, pero a regañadientes. Había escuchado rumores que sólo tenían edificios de cuartos individuales en los que 16 personas comparten una cocina y una batería de baños. Aceptaron mi solicitud y me vine, esperando lo peor. Afortunadamente lo que me esperaba era otra cosa.

There are two things you must know when you decide to come live to Geneva: it’s expensive and finding an apartment is the world’s worst nightmare. Because there are not many of them and those available are very expensive. I spent the first semester in a perpetual anguish about how I would live once my six-month contract in Vernier would expire. I sent an application to the student residence in Geneva, but reluctantly. I had heard rumors on how they only had buildings with individual rooms in which 16 people share a kitchen and bathroom facilities. They accepted my application and I came, expecting the worse. Unfortunately, something else was waiting for me.

Resulta que la residencia tiene cuatro edificios de apartamentos. Los primeros dos fueron inaugurados en 1963, el tercero en 1986 y el cuarto en septiembre del 2013. En efecto, tienen pisos con varios cuartos y una cocina y baños, pero hay también apartamentos para parejas, para familias e individuales.

La residencia es una mini ciudad incrustada en el barrio de Champel, una colonia muy cerca del centro de la ciudad donde la mayoría de los habitantes son personas retiradas con mucho dinero. Hay entonces muchas villas y casas muy bonitas alrededor y los buses siempre están llenos de viejitos muy bien vestidos y de estudiantes.

El campus tiene todo: restaurante, lavandería, gimnasio, canchas de tennis, volleyball de playa, basketball y squash, sala de juegos, un teatro, el mini-mercado más caro de toda Ginebra (porque abre todos los días de la semana hasta las 9 de la noche, cosa que no hace ningún otro supermercado) y acaban de inaugurar un sauna. Todas esas comodidades se explican porque en verano la residencia funciona también como albergue abierto a los turistas.

Me asignaron un cuarto en el edificio más reciente. Suspiré de alivio cuando vi que iba a compartir comedor y cocina con solo tres personas más en un apartamento súper iluminado y con vista hacia las montañas. Casi lloro de la felicidad cuando vi que mi cuarto tiene su propio baño.

El edificio está hecho totalmente de concreto y está bastante bien aislado acústicamente. Es también muy colorido porque cada apartamento está decorado con cortinas de colores vivos que tapas las ventanas que dan hacia el pasillo interno. Cuando están abiertas se puede ver todo lo que pasa en el apartamento de enfrente, es como tener un reality-show en vivo.

Nuestro apartamento venía con su propio aspirador, plancha, mesa para planchar y con una cocina completa con horno y microondas. Además, la residencia nos presta ropa de cama que nos cambian todas las dos semanas. Eso es al mismo tiempo generoso y controlador, como si tuvieran miedo que los estudiantes tengamos pulgas (aunque al parecer ya ha pasado).

Me encanta mi cuarto. Como el de Bordeaux, es pequeño pero lo suficientemente cómodo para hacer mis ejercicios. Me compré una buena silla para poder trabajar tranquilamente en casa. La vista desde mi cuarto da hacia unas casas lujosas y hacia la montaña del Salève. La única forma en que sería más perfecto es que viviera sola, pero jamás hubiera encontrado un estudio individual al precio que pago. Hay que saber que esta residencia es mucho más cara que donde viví en Francia y no hay ayudas del gobierno para pagar la renta.

Hasta ahora todo ha salido bien con mis compañeros de apartamento, pero ya me he tenido que acostumbrar a ver entrar y salir gente prácticamente cada mes. Sólo con una compañera nos quedaremos aquí por un buen tiempo, los otros dos cuartos se liberarán a finales del verano.

En todo caso estoy contenta de estar aquí. Y con los días soleados todo se ve mucho mejor.

Turns out the residence has four apartment buildings. The first two were inaugurated in 1963, the third one in 1986 and the last one on September 2013. Indeed, they have floors with many rooms with just one kitchen and bathrooms, but there are also apartments for couples, families and for single people.

The residence is a city in miniature located in the Champel neighborhood, a zone quite near downtown where most inhabitants are retirees with a lot of money. There are then a lot of beautiful villas and houses around and the buses are always filled with well-dressed old people and students.

The campus has everything: restaurant, laundry room, gym, fields to play tennis, beach volleyball, basketball and squash, a game room, a theatre, Geneva’s most expensive mini-market (because it’s open each day of the week until 9pm, something no other supermarket does) and they just opened a steam room. All those facilities are here because in the summer the residence works as a hostel open for tourists.

I got a room in the newest building. I sighed with relief when I saw I was going to share a dining room and a kitchen with just three people in a luminous apartment with a view to the mountains. I almost cried of happiness when I saw my room has its own bathroom.

The building is entirely made of concrete and it’s pretty well isolated acoustically. It’s also very colorful because each apartment is decorated with vivid color curtains which cover the windows facing the internal hallway. When they’re open you can see everything that’s happening in the apartment in front of ours, it’s like a live reality-show.

Our apartment came with its own vacuum cleaner, iron, ironing table and a complete kitchen with oven and microwave. Besides, the residence gives us bedding and sheets that they change every two weeks. It’s both generous and controlling, as if they were afraid students would carry fleas (though it has already happened apparently).

I love my room. Like the one in Bordeaux, it’s tiny but comfortable enough so I can do my exercises. I bought a good chair so I could work peacefully at home. The view from my room is of luxurious houses and the Salève Mountain. The only thing that could make it more perfect would be if I lived by myself, but I would have never found an individual studio with the price I’m paying. It must be said this residence is a whole lot more expensive than the one in France and there is no help from the government to pay the rent.

So far everything has worked out fine with my flat mates, though I’ve already gotten used to see people come and go each month. There is only one other flat mate who will be staying with me for a while, the other two rooms will be free when summer is over.

In any case I’m happy to be here. And with the sunny days everything seems much better.

Cité Universitaire de Genève Cité Universitaire de Genève Cité Universitaire de Genève Cité Universitaire de Genève Cité Universitaire de Genève Cité Universitaire de Genève Cité Universitaire de Genève Cité Universitaire de Genève Cité Universitaire de Genève Cité Universitaire de Genève Cité Universitaire de Genève Cité Universitaire de Genève Cité Universitaire de Genève Cité Universitaire de Genève


  1. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Hi! The room looks lovely, I arrived on your blog looking for pictures of the Building D. Do you have any idea how does this room look like? N° D02.04A - I've been offered this one and I'm not sure if I should take it. I have been also offered a room from UNIGE, Huge-de-Senger, 2 min walk from university. When you lived in the Cite, were you able to receive your boyfriend once in a while over-night with you? How harsh are they on controlling these stuff?

    1. Hi Alexandra! If you want my honest opinion, take the room at the Cité. It will look very similar to the one in this post, and it's not at all expensive for Geneva. Hugo de Senger will be less expensive, but you will have to share the bathroom and toilet with many people.

      As for having your boyfriend over, it depends. You can have guests over, but you have to pay 15 francs per night, if you do announce it at the reception. If you don't (everyone does it at some point), chances are no one will notice, but just be careful not to make yourself too visible.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hola! Voy a ir a la Cite (edificio D) en breves y me gustaría saber como va el tema de la limpieza, si la residencia se encarga o si por el contrario somos los residentes los que tenemos que hacerla. Muchas gracias!

    1. Hola Roberto! Me imagino que a estas alturas ya has de estar al tanto que son los residentes los encargados de la limpieza en el apto. Éxitos!

  4. Hi! How did you apply to the university housing? Thanks!

    1. Hello! You apply on the Cité's website, before May 31st. Here is the link: http://cite-uni.unige.ch/en/nos-hebergements/resident/

      Good luck!

  5. Hello! Is there a refrigerator provided in the apartment? Thank you! ❤️

  6. Hi! There is a refrigerator in the shared kitchen. It is big enough for everyone. :)

  7. Hello, it’s me again hahah🥺
    I saw that web said that the reception sell the telephone cards.
    Are these the sim cards like Swiss Sim Card?

    Thank you very much🥺❤️

    1. Hi Ruby! I am actually not sure, I never bought one of these cards. But you should be able to easily find a Swiss sim card in any cellphone shop downtown. There are many of them. :)
