Se dice que un francĂ©s visita el Mont-Saint-Michel un promedio de cinco veces en su vida. Y menos mal porque, al ser de los sitios turĂsticos mĂ¡s visitados del paĂs, parte de sus fondos contribuyen a que otros sitios menos afortunados se financien.
El atractivo del lugar es que es una isla sobre la cual se construyĂ³ una abadĂa y con el tiempo un pueblo y sus murallas. La evoluciĂ³n del sitio es evidente en las maquetas.
It has been said that French people visit the Mont-Saint-Michel an average of five times in their lifetime. And that’s a good thing, since being one of the most visited touristic sites in the country allows part of its revenues to support less fortunate historical monuments.
What is interesting about this place is that it’s an island where an abbey was built on top and where later a village and the walls were constructed. The evolution of the site is explained through these models.
El pueblo se ha convertido en un complejo de tiendas de souvenirs, restaurantes y hasta un hotel, pero la abadĂa todavĂa alberga una fraternidad de monjes que es la responsable de las misas en la iglesia. La abadĂa es impresionante, tiene un claustro de cuatro pisos, donde debajo del jardĂn estaba la cocina, las salas para recibir a los nobles cuando estaban de visita y otra para las visitas mĂ¡s modestas. El paseo es tambiĂ©n un buen ejercicio: se suben muchas gradas y la vista es hermosa. Definitivamente se entiende porquĂ© la gente querrĂa venir hasta cinco veces aquĂ.
The village has become a complex of souvenir shops, restaurants and even a hotel, but the abbey still houses a fraternity of monks and nuns responsible for the masses in the church. The abbey is impressive, it has a four-story cloister where below the garden there was a kitchen, the rooms that housed the royal family when they visited and another one for more modest visitors. The outing is a good exercise as well: you have to climb a lot of stairs and the view from above is beautiful. I can see why people would want to come here at least five times.
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