17 December 2005

lectura del tarot

The Personal Power position offers insight into your personal goals, willpower, intention, or level of mastery, responsibility, and awareness which can aid in altering or validating perspective, results, or direction.

The High Priestess in this position suggests that you may be readily able to take the time when needed to seek guidance within yourself. Your might have an innate awareness of a larger reality, which can enable you to become calm in a storm, although you might become frustrated with those around you who demand immediate gratification regardless of the consequences. You might be referred to as a "daydreamer" by some, but it is your ability to concentrate and visualize that allows you to access your unconscious creativity, dreams, and imagination, as well as the ability to uncover that which may be hidden.

In general, the High Priestess represents the universal principle of intuition, independence, self-trust, receptivity, passivity, and self-resourcefulness. She is able to see beyond the obvious, and represents the possibilities of what can be. She is the Moon, the mysterious, the huntress, and the giver and taker of Life. She is Divine Law, Secret Knowledge, the reconciliation of opposites, and the unity of the Elements. She is the Underworld, Potential, and that which is hidden by the Night. Ultimately, She is the idea behind all form. The High Priestess goes by many names; She is Isis, Diana, Demeter, Artemis, Mary, Hathor, and a thousand others. She suggests that you listen to yourself and don't over analyze, for you know intuitively the answer you seek. With the High Priestess, you stand at the portal of the world behind the veil, or outside of rational thought where things are not always as they seem.

The Crux position reveals current developments, phases, themes, milestones, or other conditions, as well as guidance for anticipated results.
The Two of Swords (reversed) in this position suggests that you may be stubbornly refusing to recognize a truth or reality surrounding you now - you have blinders on. You may have actively decided to impose a barrier or fortress around your mind, or withdraw from the world, so that you won't have to make a difficult decision, perhaps between home and work. You may also tend to be acting in a passive aggressive, unapproachable manner. You may be procrastinating out of fear, insecurity or a closed mind. Be careful not to act with dishonor, for you can't go on like this forever, and a choice will have to be made, either by you, or for you, otherwise you will face great sorrow.
In general, the Two of Swords suggests that you might have turned your back on your feelings, or are refusing to acknowledge some emotion, and as a result, you may be a bit unstable right now. It is asking you to choose, or reconcile yourself to your options, perhaps through contemplation or conflict resolution. Learn to trust your instincts or intuition in order to move forward, rather than stubbornly holding onto a point or position with blind faith or loyalty.

The Root position suggests the basis or theme for perceptions, patterns of growth, direction, or fears that may have an affect on circumstances or choices.
The Magician in this position suggests that you have already experienced the power of the Magician first hand. You may not recall a time when you accepted the notion that something simply can't be done. You may have come to assume personal responsibility for your life, shaking off any belief that you were a "victim" of circumstance, as well as refusing to "stay in the box." You might have become frustrated with those who gave away their power by passively "wishing" or "wanting," but never acting, but you might have come to accept that if others tended to gravitate towards you like a magnet, it was because they saw that you DID have the power.
In general, the Magician displays a "masculine" principle of the ultimate achiever. The Magician is powerful and active, represents the ultimate communicator, the manifestation of Energy, the continuous creation, and the infinite. He embodies Will and Wisdom, and knows that with conscious intention, attention, commitment, and communication, all things are possible. The Magician suggests that now may be the time to try to make what is possible, a reality. Beware, however, of the ambiguity between Will and Want, for Want alone may lead to Illusion, Deception or Distortion. You have the Power to create your own reality and control or transform your own life. Where will your potential take you? Some examples of the Magician might be surgeons, doctors, computer or technology wizards, scientists, witches, writers, entrepreneurs, the self-employed, artists, actors, chefs, politicians, evangelists, High Priests, and of course, magicians, just to name a few.

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